The board of the foundation Jabulani Kids Zimbabwe consists of volunteers who do this work unpaid. Most of us have worked in the Centre as volunteers. We therefore have a very strong relationship with the staff and children in the Centre, which is for us a great advantage as board members. Together with the knowledge we have of the Centre and the good communication that we have with the management of the Centre, we can also help by thinking along. This allows us to better assess which projects are likely to succeed. In short, we know what is at stake at KGVI and that makes every Euro you donate well spent.
"I have been working for over twenty five years in the field of development cooperation and development issues in general. During the nineties, I worked as a consultant in Zimbabwe when I coincidentally ended up in the King George VI Centre. Then I became the board chairman of the Centre for two years. In total I have lived six years in Zimbabwe. At that time I was closely involved in the strengthening of the Centre, and by introducing the concept of independent living. By working hard to raise funds, we prevented the Centre from closing down. In the independent living units groups of children live together with a houseparent and try to do as much as possible on their own, despite their handicap. That became a great success, and now more than one hundred physically handicapped or deaf children are in the Centre. We from foundation JKZ hope for your support to help these children. "
"After I worked for two trimesters in the King George VI Centre in 2000/2001, I established the foundation Jabulani Kids Zimbabwe together with other volunteers when I arrived in the Netherlands in 2001. I was very impressed by this special Centre. I would like to add that this Centre for disabled children in Zimbabwe can continue to offer exceptional development opportunities. "
"Since June 2006 I am a board member of the foundation Jabulani Kids Zimbabwe. I was an occupational therapist at the King George VI Centre for half a year. I focused mainly on individual therapy aimed at game and educational support, and group activities involving independent living and dexterity with the children was practiced. Due to all the volunteers over the years and the tremendous efforts of local therapists and teachers, there is good rehabilitation and education offered at the Centre; something that is very special in a country with such economic problems. As a board member, I want to keep working to maintain or improve the assistance to the King George VI centre"
"For years I was a supporter of the foundation but felt that I could contribute more to help the children in the King George VI Centre. Following a performance by the school band of KGVI in Weesp in 2006, I knew it for sure. I would devote myself to these children! Their perseverance, dedication and relentless energy are a true inspiration for me. Via foundation Jabulani Kids Zimbabwe I can give a small contribution to a better life for all children at KGVI."
"After finishing my physiotherapy training, I spent seven months working as a physiotherapist at the King George VI Centre. I now work as a pediatric physiotherapist for the foundation Reinaerde in the Utrecht region. What a difference it can make where and under what circumstances you are born! The extremely positive attitude and endless nergy and motivation of the children and staff at the Centre (in the very difficult political and economic times) have made a big impression on me. I would like to help KGVI to remain a warm home for the children, and for the children to get the opportunity to develop. I hope that you can (remain) helping me/us with that..!? "
"Van september 2006 tot april 2007 ben ik werkzaam geweest als fysiotherapeut in het KGVI centrum. Dit was een bijzondere tijd en ik heb vele warme herinneringen aan het centrum, de kinderen en de mensen in Zimbabwe. Helaas hebben zij niet dezelfde mogelijkheden. Het centrum is afhankelijk van steun van buiten Zimbabwe. Mij geeft het dan ook een goed gevoel om als bestuurslid van JKZ een bijdrage te leveren aan het voortbestaan van het centrum om de kinderen de kans te geven te ontwikkelen. "
"From September 2006 to April 2007 I worked as a physiotherapist in the KGVI Centre. This was a special time and I have many fond memories of the Centre, the children and the people of Zimbabwe. Unfortunately they do not have the same opportunities as we have. The Centre depends on support from outside Zimbabwe. Therefore it gives me a good feeling as a board member of JKZ to contribute to the survival of the Centre, to provide the children with opportunities to develop."
The board of JKZ
during the jubilee movie afternoon in Amsterdam
in café Roest
fltr Mirjam, Ton, Caroline, Harry, Marleen, Nelleke, Cor, Maaike, Hilda, Eunike en Esther
The Board of JKZ is assisted by an Advisory Board, consisting mainly of former board members. On the 1st of January 2013, the Advisory Board consists of Willemijn van Breda, Esther van der Steeg, Ton Bontekoe, and Hilda van der Stok. We are very happy that we can count on the opinions of these experts. This contributes to the continuity of the foundation by supporting the Board in its duties
Willemijn van Breda
2001 - 2007
Femke van Gastel
2004 - 2007
Ton Bontekoe
Esther van der Steeg
2001 - 2005
Mieke van den Berg
2001 - 2003